Source code for dmtools.arrange

import numpy as np
from typing import List

[docs]def image_grid(images: List[np.ndarray], w: int, h: int, b: int, color: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: """Create a w * h grid of images with a border of width b. Args: images (List[np.ndarray]): images (of same dimension) for grid. w (int): number of images in each row of the grid. h (int): number of images in each column of the grid. b (int): width of the border/margin. color (np.ndarray): Pixel to use for bordering. Defaults to white. Returns: np.ndarray: grid layout of the images. """ n,m,*k = images[0].shape if len(k) == 0: color = 1 if color is None else color h_border = np.full((b, w*m + (w+1)*b), color) v_border = np.full((n, b), color) else: k = k[0] color = np.ones(k) if color is None else color h_border = np.full((b, w*m + (w+1)*b, k), color) v_border = np.full((n, b, k), color) grid_layout = h_border for i in range(h): row = v_border for j in range(w): row = np.hstack((row, images[(i*w) + j])) row = np.hstack((row, v_border)) grid_layout = np.vstack((grid_layout, row)) grid_layout = np.vstack((grid_layout, h_border)) return grid_layout
[docs]def border(image: np.ndarray, b: int, color: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: """Add a border of width b to the image. Args: image (Netpbm): Netpbm image to add a border to b (int): width of the border/margin. color (np.ndarray): Pixel to use for bordering. Defaults to white. Returns: np.ndarray: Image with border added. """ return image_grid([image], w=1, h=1, b=b, color=color)