import numpy as np
# Referenced from scikit-image for more efficient implementation
# of colorspace transformations. Will continue to maintain an independent
# implementation for educational purposes but scikit-image is the standard.
# These values assume the 2 degree point of view
illuminants = \
{'D50': (96.4212, 100.0, 82.5188),
'D65': (95.0489, 100.0, 108.8840)}
rgb_to_gray = np.array([0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721])
b_21 = 0.17697
rgb_to_xyz = np.array([[0.49000, 0.31000, 0.20000],
[0.17697, 0.81240, 0.01063],
[0.00000, 0.01000, 0.99000]]) / b_21
xyz_to_rgb = np.linalg.inv(rgb_to_xyz)
rgb_to_yuv = np.array([[+0.29900, +0.58700, +0.11400],
[-0.14713, -0.28886, +0.43600],
[+0.61500, -0.51499, -0.10001]])
yuv_to_rgb = np.linalg.inv(rgb_to_yuv)
# Used to normalize an image in a colorspace to [0,1]
norm = \
{'RGB': {'scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'shift': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)},
'Lab': {'scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'shift': (0.0, -0.5, -0.5)},
'YUV': {'scale': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
'shift': (0.0, -0.5, -0.5)}}
[docs]def RGB_to_gray(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in CIE RGB space to grayscale.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`FAQs about Color <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in CIE RGB space.
np.ndarray: Image in grayscale.
image = np.copy(image)
# TODO: this causes opacity of 4-channel images to be lost
image = image[:,:,:3] @ rgb_to_gray.T
return image
[docs]def gray_to_RGB(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in grayscale to CIE RGB space.
image (np.ndarray): Image in grayscale.
np.ndarray: Image in CIE RGB space.
return np.stack(3 * (image,), axis=-1)
[docs]def add_alpha(image: np.ndarray, a: float = 1) -> np.ndarray:
"""Add an alpha channel to a three color channel image.
image (np.ndarray): Image with three color channels.
a (float): Alpha value to use in the image.
np.ndarray: Four channel image with alpha channel.
n,m,*_ = image.shape
return np.concatenate((image, a * np.ones((n,m,1))), axis=-1)
[docs]def RGB_to_XYZ(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in CIE RGB space to XYZ space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`CIE 1931 color space <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in CIE RGB space.
np.ndarray: Image in CIE XYZ space.
image = np.copy(image)
image[:,:,:3] = image[:,:,:3] @ rgb_to_xyz.T
return image
[docs]def XYZ_to_RGB(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in CIE XYZ space to RGB space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`CIE 1931 color space <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in CIE XYZ space.
np.ndarray: Image in CIE RGB space.
image = np.copy(image)
image[:,:,:3] = image[:,:,:3] @ xyz_to_rgb.T
return image
[docs]def RGB_to_YUV(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in CIE RGB space to YUV space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`YUV <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in CIE RGB space.
np.ndarray: Image in YUV space.
image = np.copy(image)
image[:,:,:3] = image[:,:,:3] @ rgb_to_yuv.T
return image
[docs]def YUV_to_RGB(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in YUV space to CIE RGB space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`YUV <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in YUV space.
np.ndarray: Image in CIE RGB space.
image = np.copy(image)
image[:,:,:3] = image[:,:,:3] @ yuv_to_rgb.T
return image
[docs]def XYZ_to_Lab(image: np.ndarray, illuminant: str = 'D65') -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in CIE XYZ space to Lab space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`CIELAB color space <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in CIE XYZ space.
illuminant (str): Standard illuminant {D65, D50}
np.ndarray: Image in Lab space.
X_n, Y_n, Z_n = illuminants[illuminant]
delta = 6 / 29
def f(t):
return t**(1/3) if t > delta**3 else (t/(3*delta**2)) + (4/29)
def to_Lab(x):
X, Y, Z = x
L = 116*f(Y/Y_n) - 16
a = 500*(f(X/X_n) - f(Y/Y_n))
b = 200*(f(Y/Y_n) - f(Z/Z_n))
return np.array([L,a,b])
image = np.copy(image)
n,m,k = image.shape
p = np.reshape(image[:,:,:3], (n*m,3)).astype(float)
p = np.apply_along_axis(to_Lab, 1, p)
image[:,:,:3] = np.reshape(p, (n,m,3))
return image
[docs]def Lab_to_XYZ(image: np.ndarray, illuminant: str = 'D65') -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in Lab space to CIE XYZ space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`CIELAB color space <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in Lab space.
illuminant (str): Standard illuminant {D65, D50}
np.ndarray: Image in CIE XYZ space.
X_n, Y_n, Z_n = illuminants[illuminant]
delta = 6 / 29
def f_inv(t):
return t**3 if t > delta else 3*delta**2*(t-(4/29))
def to_XYZ(x):
L, a, b = x
X = X_n*f_inv(((L + 16)/116) + a/500)
Y = Y_n*f_inv((L + 16)/116)
Z = Z_n*f_inv(((L + 16)/116) - b/200)
return np.array([X,Y,Z])
image = np.copy(image)
n,m,k = image.shape
p = np.reshape(image[:,:,:3], (n*m,3)).astype(float)
p = np.apply_along_axis(to_XYZ, 1, p)
image[:,:,:3] = np.reshape(p, (n,m,3))
return image
[docs]def RGB_to_Lab(image: np.ndarray, illuminant: str = 'D65') -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in CIE RGB space to Lab space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`CIE 1931 color space <>`_
`CIELAB color space <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in CIE RGB space.
illuminant (str): Standard illuminant {D65, D50}
np.ndarray: Image in Lab space.
return XYZ_to_Lab(RGB_to_XYZ(image), illuminant)
[docs]def Lab_to_RGB(image: np.ndarray, illuminant: str = 'D65') -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert an image in Lab space to CIE RGB space.
For details about the implemented conversion, see
`CIE 1931 color space <>`_
`CIELAB color space <>`_.
image (np.ndarray): Image in Lab space.
illuminant (str): Standard illuminant {D65, D50}
np.ndarray: Image in CIE RGB space.
return XYZ_to_RGB(Lab_to_XYZ(image, illuminant))
[docs]def normalize(image: np.ndarray, color_space: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Normalize the image in the given color space.
image (np.ndarray): Image in the given color space.
color_space (str): Color space {RGB, Lab, YUV}.
np.ndarray: Normalized image with values in [0,1].
scale = norm[color_space]['scale']
shift = norm[color_space]['shift']
shift_mat = np.ones(image.shape) @ np.diag(shift)
normalized_image = (image - shift_mat) @ np.diag(1 / np.array(scale))
return normalized_image.clip(0,1)
[docs]def denormalize(image: np.ndarray, color_space: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Denormalize the image in the given color space.
image (np.ndarray): Normalized image in the given color space.
color_space (str): Color space {RGB, Lab, YUV}.
np.ndarray: Denormalized image in the given color space.
scale = norm[color_space]['scale']
shift = norm[color_space]['shift']
shift_mat = np.ones(image.shape) @ np.diag(shift)
return (image @ np.diag(scale)) + shift_mat