Source code for dmtools.transform

import numpy as np
from math import floor, ceil, sqrt
from functools import partial
from enum import Enum
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Union, List

[docs]class Loc(Enum): UPPER_LEFT = "upper_left" LOWER_LEFT = "lower_left" CENTER = "center"
def _box_weighting_function(x: float) -> float: return 1 if x <= 0.5 else 0 def _triangle_weighting_function(x: float) -> float: return max(1 - x, 0.0) def _catmull_rom_weighting_function(x: float) -> float: if x <= 1: return (3*x**3 - 5*x**2 + 2) / 2 elif x <= 2: return (-x**3 + 5*x**2 - 8*x + 4) / 2 else: return 0 def _gaussian_weighting_function(x: float, sigma: float = 0.5, blur: float = 1.0) -> float: sigma = sigma * blur return (1 / sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2))*np.power(np.e, -x**2 / (2*sigma**2)) ResizeFilter = namedtuple('ResizeFilter', 'weighting_function support') ResizeFilter.__doc__ = """\ Image resize filter. To learn more about image resize filters, see the `ImageMagick`_ reference on `Resampling Filters`_. Parameters: weighting_function (Callable): Weighting function defined on [0, support]. support (float): The ideal neighborhood size of the filter. .. _ImageMagick: .. _Resampling Filters: """
[docs]class ResizeFilterName(Enum): """An enumeration of supported resize filter names. The supported filters are a subset of `ImageMagick`_ filters. - `Point Filter`_ (POINT): Nearest-neighbor heuristic. - `Box Filter`_ (BOX): Average of neighboring pixels. - `Triangle Filter`_ (TRIANGLE): Linear decrease in pixel weight. - `Catmull-Rom Filter`_ (CATROM): Produces a sharper edge. - `Gaussian Filter`_ (GAUSSIAN): Blurs image. Useful as low pass filter. .. _ImageMagick: .. _Point Filter: .. _Box Filter: .. _Triangle Filter: .. _Catmull-Rom Filter: .. _Gaussian Filter: """ POINT = ResizeFilter(_box_weighting_function, 0.0) BOX = ResizeFilter(_box_weighting_function, 0.5) TRIANGLE = ResizeFilter(_triangle_weighting_function, 1.0) CATROM = ResizeFilter(_catmull_rom_weighting_function, 2.0) GAUSSIAN = ResizeFilter(_gaussian_weighting_function, 2.0)
def _safe_divide(n: np.ndarray, d: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Divide NumPy arrays where divide by zero is zero. Args: n (np.ndarray): Numerator NumPy array. d (np.ndarray): Denominator NumPy array. Returns: np.ndarray: Numerator divided by denominator. """ return np.divide(n, d, out=np.zeros_like(n), where=(d != 0)) def _over_alpha_composite(aA, aB) -> np.ndarray: return aA + aB * (1 - aA) def _over_color_composite(xA, aA, xB, aB, xaA, xaB, aR) -> np.ndarray: return _safe_divide(xaA + xaB * (1 - aA), aR) def _dest_over_alpha_composite(aA, aB) -> np.ndarray: return aB + aA * (1 - aB) def _dest_over_color_composite(xA, aA, xB, aB, xaA, xaB, aR) -> np.ndarray: return _safe_divide(xaB + xaA * (1 - aB), aR) def _add_alpha_composite(aA, aB) -> np.ndarray: return np.clip(aA + aB, 0, 1) def _add_color_composite(xA, aA, xB, aB, xaA, xaB, aR) -> np.ndarray: return _safe_divide(xaA + xaB, aR) CompositeOp = namedtuple('CompositeOp', 'alpha color') CompositeOp.__doc__ = """\ Image alpha compositing operators. To learn more about image alpha compositing, see `Alpha Compositing`_. Parameters: alpha (Callable): The function producing the alpha of the resulting image. color (Callable): The function producing the color of the resulting image. .. _Alpha Compositing: """
[docs]class CompositeOpName(Enum): """An enumeration of supported image alpha compositing operator names. The supported operators are a subset of `Cairo`_ operators. - (OVER): two semi-transparent slides; source over dest. - (DEST_OVER): two semi-transparent slides; dest over source. - (ADD): Add source and dest. .. _Cairo: """ OVER = CompositeOp(_over_alpha_composite, _over_color_composite) DEST_OVER = CompositeOp(_dest_over_alpha_composite, _dest_over_color_composite) ADD = CompositeOp(_add_alpha_composite, _add_color_composite)
EPSILON = 1.0e-6 def _rescale_axis(image: np.ndarray, axis: int, k: int, filter: Union[ResizeFilterName, ResizeFilter], **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: # set the weighting function and support if not isinstance(filter, ResizeFilter): filter = filter.value f = filter.weighting_function support = # scale support if blur keyword argument is passed if 'blur' in kwargs: support = support * kwargs['blur'] if k > 1: support = support * k if axis == 1: image = np.swapaxes(image,0,1) n, *_ = image.shape new_shape = list(image.shape) new_shape[0] = int(new_shape[0] * k) rescaled_image = np.zeros(new_shape) for i in range(new_shape[0]): # get range of rows in the support bisect = i + 0.5 a = max((bisect - support) / k, 0.0) b = min((bisect + support) / k, n) if (b-a < 1): # fall back to nearest neighbor heuristic if ceil(a) - a > ((b - a) / 2.0): a = floor(a) else: a = ceil(a) b = a + 1 a = round(a) b = round(b) row = image[a:b,:] def x(i): """Return distance to source pixel.""" return abs((i+0.5) - (bisect / k)) # use weighting function to weight rows if k <= 1: weights = np.array([f(x(i) * k, **kwargs) for i in range(a,b)]) else: weights = np.array([f(x(i), **kwargs) for i in range(a,b)]) # TODO: This is the numerically stable way to implement this. # Need to decide if this implementation should be used. # weights = weights / max(np.sum(weights), EPSILON) # normalize weights # row =, np.swapaxes(row,0,1)) row = np.average(row, axis=0, weights=weights) # set row of rescaled image rescaled_image[i,:] = row if axis == 1: rescaled_image = np.swapaxes(rescaled_image,0,1) return rescaled_image
[docs]def rescale(image: np.ndarray, k: int = -1, w: int = -1, h: int = -1, filter: Union[ResizeFilterName, ResizeFilter] = ResizeFilterName.POINT, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Rescale the image. Provide either a global scale factor k or the desired dimensions (w,h) of the rescaled image. This image rescale implentation is largley based off of the `ImageMagick`_ impmenetation. .. _ImageMagick: Args: image (np.ndarray): Image to rescale. k (int): Scaling factor. w (int): Desired width (in pixels). h (int): Desired height (in pixels). filter (Union[ResizeFilterName, ResizeFilter]): Resize filter to use. Returns: np.ndarray: Rescaled image. """ if k != -1: w_scale = k h_scale = k elif w != -1 and h != -1: n,m,*_ = image.shape w_scale = w / m h_scale = h / n else: raise ValueError("Provide scale factor k or desired dimensions (w,h).") rescaled_image = _rescale_axis(image=image, axis=0, k=h_scale, filter=filter, **kwargs) rescaled_image = _rescale_axis(image=rescaled_image, axis=1, k=w_scale, filter=filter, **kwargs) return rescaled_image
[docs]def blur(image: np.ndarray, sigma: float, radius: float = 0) -> np.ndarray: """Blur the image. This image blur implentation is largley based off of the `ImageMagick`_ impmenetation. It uses a `Gaussian Filter`_ with parameter ``sigma`` and a support of ``radius`` to blur the image. .. _ImageMagick: .. _Gaussian Filter: Args: image (np.ndarray): Image to be blurred. sigma (float): "Neighborhood" of the blur. A larger value is blurrier. radius (float): Limit of the blur. Defaults to 4 x sigma. Returns: np.ndarray: Blurred image. """ if radius == 0: radius = 4 * sigma f = partial(_gaussian_weighting_function, sigma=sigma) filter = ResizeFilter(f, radius) return rescale(image, k=1, filter=filter)
[docs]def composite(source: np.ndarray, dest: np.ndarray, operator: Union[CompositeOpName, CompositeOp] = CompositeOpName.OVER) -> np.ndarray: """Return the image formed by compositing one image with another. For more information about alpha compositing, see `Alpha Compositing`_. The implementation is largely based on the `Cairo`_ implementation. .. _Alpha Compositing: .. _Cairo: Args: source (np.ndarray): Image on top. dest (np.ndarray): Image on bottom. operator (Union[CompositeOpName, CompositeOp]): \ The compositing operator to use. Returns: np.ndarray: The two images overlaid. """ xA, aA = np.split(source, [3], axis=2) xB, aB = np.split(dest, [3], axis=2) xaA = xA * aA xaB = xB * aB if not isinstance(operator, CompositeOp): operator = operator.value alpha_composite = operator.alpha color_composite = operator.color aR = alpha_composite(aA, aB) xR = color_composite(xA, aA, xB, aB, xaA, xaB, aR) return np.append(xR, aR, axis=2)
def _standardize_selection(image: np.ndarray, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, relative: bool, loc: Loc) -> List[float]: if relative: n,m,*_ = image.shape x = m * x y = n * y w = m * w h = n * h if loc == Loc.UPPER_LEFT: pass elif loc == Loc.LOWER_LEFT: y = image.shape[0] - y elif loc == Loc.CENTER: x = x - (w / 2) y = y - (h / 2) else: raise ValueError(f"{loc.value} is not a supported loc.") return int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)
[docs]def substitute(image: np.ndarray, substitution: np.ndarray, x: float, y: float, relative: bool = False, loc: Loc = Loc.UPPER_LEFT) -> np.ndarray: """Substitute a portion of image with substitution. Args: image (np.ndarray): Base image. substitution (np.ndarray): Image to substitute into the base image. x (float): x coordinate of the point (relative to left of image). y (float): y coordinate of the point (relative to top of image). relative (bool): If True, x, y, w, and h are given relative to the \ dimensions of the image. Defaults to False. loc (Loc): Location of (x,y) relative to substituted portion. Returns: np.ndarray: The image with substitution substituted in. """ if relative: n,m,*_ = image.shape h,w,*_ = substitution.shape w = w / m h = h / n else: h,w,*_ = substitution.shape x, y, w, h = _standardize_selection(image, x, y, w, h, relative, loc) if len(image.shape) == 3: image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] = substitution else: image[y:y+h, x:x+w] = substitution return image
[docs]def crop(image: np.ndarray, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, relative: bool = False, loc: Loc = Loc.UPPER_LEFT) -> np.ndarray: """Crop an image using an (x,y) point, width, and height. Args: image (np.ndarray): Image to be cropped. x (float): x coordinate of the point (relative to left of image). y (float): y coordinate of the point (relative to top of image). w (float): Width of the cropped portion. h (float): Height of the cropped portion. relative (bool): If True, x, y, w, and h are given relative to the \ dimensions of the image. Defaults to False. loc (Loc): Location of (x,y) relative to substituted portion. Returns: np.ndarray: The cropped portion of the image. """ x, y, w, h = _standardize_selection(image, x, y, w, h, relative, loc) if len(image.shape) == 3: return image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] else: return image[y:y+h, x:x+w]
[docs]def clip(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Clip gray/color values that are out of bounds. Every value less than 0 is mapped to 0 and every value more than 1 is mapped to 1. Values in [0,1] are untouched. Args: image (np.ndarray): Image to clip. Returns: np.ndarray: Clipped image. """ return np.clip(image, 0, 1)
[docs]def normalize(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize the image to bring all gray/color values into bounds. Normalize the range of values in the image to [0,1]. If applied to a three channel image, normalizes each channel by the same amount. Args: image (np.ndarray): Image to normalize. Returns: np.ndarray: Normalized image. """ if np.max(image) == np.min(image): # every value in the image is the same--fall back to clip return clip(image) image = image - np.min(image) return image * (1 / (np.max(image)))
[docs]def wraparound(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Wraparound gray/color values that are out of bounds. Each value x is mapped to x mod 1 such that values outside of [0,1] wraparound until they fall in the desired range. Args: image (np.ndarray): Image to wraparound Returns: np.ndarray: Wraparound image. """ # TODO: Is there a quicker way to implement this? # TODO: Is this the right implementation? image = np.where(image > 1, np.modf(image)[0], image) image = np.where(image < 0, np.modf(image)[0] + 1, image) return image